Ashwagandha Withdrawal: Things You Must Know Before Taking Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha Withdrawal
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Ashwagandha is one of the best herbs with medicinal properties that originated in the Indian subcontinent. The curing abilities deal with stress, insomnia, and a couple of other health problems. Its adaptogen has specialized effects that calm the mind, lessen swelling, treat high blood pressure, and boost the immune system. Indeed, stress is the root cause of every health problem. It also acts as a natural sexual performance enhancer for men and women.

So, taking an ashwagandha supplement will always be helpful. As everything has a reverse side, ashwagandha withdrawal can bring some side effects that need medical attention. 

Though adaptogens present in ashwagandha will calm your mind, or treat anxiety; but, the withdrawal symptoms can be troublesome for many people.

The problem is that they may experience dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, low blood sugar levels, and liver problems in worst cases. Possibly, it is safe to consume for about three months.

It is always better to take advice from the doctor. Moreover, you should not leave Ashwagandha immediately. Gradually, reduce its consumption and withdraw its intake. 

If you are willing to try ashwagandha in a different form we have curated a list of best ashwagandha gummies

Ashwagandha Side Effects and Potential Downside

asshwagandha side effects

Ashwagandha is known to have some downside to its capabilities that can lead to stomach aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and liver issues in rare cases.

Besides this, it has sedative properties that can make you drowsy. This can interrupt your daily work schedules and is dangerous in driving a vehicle. Apart from this, ashwagandha is known to reduce blood sugar levels.

If a diabetic person is taking sugar-control pills; ashwagandha can interfere with the treatment and decrease your blood sugar level more leading to serious health issues. 

Besides this, ashwagandha withdrawal symptoms can highlight irritation in the stomach as well.

People having ulcers in the stomach may feel irritation around the lining of gastrointestinal tracts. It can exaggerate ulcers, and you may get serious stomach issues. Indeed, ashwagandha is an herbal product.

But, taking it in excess or leaving it can come with side effects for sure. Just make sure that the dosage does not exceed the amount recommended by your doctor.

Is Ashwagandha Safe?

Ashwagandha is famous for calming the mind and ensuring that you live a stress-free life. Besides this, it lowers blood sugar levels that help you fight diabetes without taking any specified pills. 

It is safe to consume ashwagandha for a specific time and not beyond. Nevertheless, everything that glitters is not gold. The reason is that ashwagandha can bring some side effects as well. 

If you take an ashwagandha supplement or gummies beyond the recommended dose, the possibility of experiencing dizziness, stomach ache, diarrhea is common.

Though, it is safe for a specific time; ashwagandha can be risky on being taken for a long time. It is better to consult with a doctor before taking ashwagandha in any form.

Ashwagandha Withdrawal Symptoms:

ashwagandha withdrawal

Are you experiencing problems with the continuous intake of ashwagandha? Do you wish to withdraw the medicine? You should not discontinue ashwagandha immediately. Rather, it should be a gradual process. Some ashwagandha withdrawal symptoms are listed hereunder: 

1. Memory Problem:

When it comes to the matter of leaving ashwagandha immediately, you may experience memory loss. Its sedative properties will make your mind habitual of the herbal product. As you leave it, you may start forgetting normal things in daily life. 

2. Insomnia:

The effect of ashwagandha lasts till you take it. If you discontinue ashwagandha; then, you will start experiencing insomnia and restlessness again. The reason is that your mind will not be calm with various thoughts knocking on the doors. 

3. Severe Fatigue:

The sedative properties of ashwagandha will make you feel sleepy and lethargic. In this way, withdrawal of ashwagandha will leave your body fatigued and less energetic to perform daily tasks.  

4. Brain Zaps:

When ashwagandha is withdrawn from daily usage, there are chances that you come across brain zaps. Till ashwagandha is taken, the mind gets used to the medicinal herb and keeps you stress-free. As the medicine is discontinued, you may get electric triggers in the brain like a small shot of pain. 

How Long Ashwagandha Withdrawal Lasts?

Depending on the severity of the problem, ashwagandha withdrawal symptoms may last longer or for a short while. It is better to visit a doctor before experiencing any withdrawal symptoms. You might have to undergo treatment or medication to get rid of the ashwagandha withdrawal symptoms. The duration of ashwagandha withdrawal can vary from person to person. Based on experience, it appears that withdrawal symptoms may last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Some users reported experiencing increased anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbances after stopping ashwagandha. However, it’s essential to note that these experiences are subjective and may not be universally applicable.

Stopping Ashwagandha Suddenly: It's Effects and Precautions

Effects of Stopping Ashwagandha Suddenly depends from person to person here are a few symptoms that are most commonly experienced by people 

Rebound Anxiety or Stress: Ashwagandha is known for its potential to help manage stress and anxiety. Discontinuing its use abruptly may lead to a sudden increase in stress or anxiety levels in some individuals, as the body readjusts to the absence of the herb.

Sleep Disturbances: Ashwagandha has been used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Stopping its use suddenly may cause some individuals to experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, as the body re-establishes its sleep patterns.

Precautions When Stopping Ashwagandha

Gradual Tapering: To minimize potential adverse effects, it is advisable to gradually reduce the dosage of ashwagandha over a few weeks rather than stopping it suddenly. This allows the body to adjust to the reduced levels of the herb and may help prevent any rebound effects.

Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you are considering stopping ashwagandha, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions or are taking medications. They can provide personalized guidance on the best approach to discontinuing ashwagandha safely.

Monitor Your Symptoms: Keep track of any changes in your physical and mental well-being after stopping ashwagandha. If you experience any adverse effects, consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance and support.

Real life experiences of Ashwagandha Withdrawal

Can I Stop Taking Ashwagandha? A step by Step Guide to Safely Stop Aswagandha Consumption

Step 1: Assess Your Individual Needs: Consider your unique reasons for taking ashwagandha and evaluate whether stopping is the most appropriate decision for your specific health goals and circumstances.

Step 2:Develop a Personalized Tapering Plan: Collaborate with your healthcare provider to create a tailored tapering plan based on your current dosage, duration of use, and individual response to ashwagandha.

Step 3:Alternative Coping Strategies: As you taper off ashwagandha, explore other stress management techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, to maintain emotional well-being.

Step 4:Stay Informed: Educate yourself about ashwagandha and its potential effects on your body. Understanding the herb’s properties can help you make informed decisions about its use and discontinuation.

Step 5:Seek Social Support: Share your experience with trusted friends or family members who can provide encouragement and understanding during the tapering process.

Step 6:Personalized Nutritional Support: Consult with a nutritionist or dietitian to identify any dietary adjustments that may help support your well-being as you discontinue ashwagandha.

By integrating the step-by-step withdrawal guide, you can ensure a safer and more individualized approach to stopping ashwagandha consumption.


Ashwagandha is an herb with medicinal properties. But, it comes with some side effects as well. It is advised that you should not take ashwagandha supplements or tablets for a long time. Indeed, the overall dosage should not exceed the recommended slot. 

If you plan to withdraw the usage of ashwagandha, it is better to do so in a gradual manner. Its sedative properties will not let you manage daily work schedule. Apart from this, you may experience diarrhea, liver issues, brain zaps, and excessive fatigue.


1. What happens when you stop taking ashwagandha?

If you have been taking ashwagandha for a specific health problem, ceasing its consumption may lead to a reversal of its advantages. For instance, if you have been taking ashwagandha for the purpose of relieving stress and anxiety, you may find that the symptoms of stress and anxiety have worsened while you have been taking the supplement

2. How to taper off ashwagandha?

If you have been taking ashwagandha on a consistent basis, you should begin by cutting your dose in half. For instance, if you have been taking 500 milligrams of ashwagandha every day, you should cut your dose in half to 250 milligrams for a week or two before fully discontinuing use.

3. How long does ashwagandha withdrawal last?

There is no set schedule for ashwagandha withdrawal because the process can differ from person to person and is determined by a number of elements, including the length of time and amount of ashwagandha use, an individual’s current state of health, and additional aspects. Some people may not have any withdrawal symptoms, while others may experience mild to moderate symptoms that can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Symptoms can range in severity from light to moderate.

4. When to stop taking ashwagandha?

If you have been using ashwagandha to treat a specific health problem, such stress or anxiety, and you have met your treatment goals, you may no longer need to continue taking the supplement. If this is the case, you can stop taking ashwagandha. With ashwagandha, some people may develop adverse effects such as stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or headache. If you experience any of these, you should stop taking it.

5. How long should I stop taking ashwagandha?

How long you should wait between your last dose and your first without ashwagandha depends on your reason for discontinuing the supplement and whether or not you are doing it under the supervision of a medical professional. Ashwagandha can be safely discontinued after a few weeks of gradual weaning off the supplement. Your doctor will be the best person to advise you on how long is necessary given your condition.

6. How to take ashwagandha for muscle growth?

The active components in ashwagandha are called withanolides, and you should look for a standardized extract containing at least 5% of them. As a result, you can be sure that you are always getting the optimal amount of the active compounds that have been shown to have muscle-building benefits in scientific studies.




Susan Francis - Medical Editor
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Dr. Susan Francis is a passionate medical professional with over 4.5 years of experience in the field. She received her medical degree from the University of Michigan and completed her residency at the Mayo Clinic.

In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Francis has a strong interest in medical writing and editing. She has edited numerous articles for medical journals and is a regular contributor to several healthcare publications.

Dr. Francis is committed to promoting accurate and accessible medical information to the public. In her free time, she enjoys staying up to date on the latest medical research and volunteering at local healthcare clinics.

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