Liquid Pectin Vs. Powder Pectin, What Should You use & When?

Liquid Pectin Vs Powder Pectin
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Pectin is a natural product that’s found in fruit and vegetables. It helps to thicken and gels when combined with other ingredients, such as water or sugar. Whereas, Liquid pectin is typically made from fruit juice or other plant sources, while powdered.   pectin comes from bulk materials derived from apples or citrus fruits. Both forms of pectin have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand how they differ before deciding which one will suit your needs best! Here is a detailed differentiation between them. People are also often confused between pectin and gelatin and their uses, read our blog for the same.

Liquid Pectin

Liquid pectin is a concentrated form of powdered pectin. It’s used for canning and baking, as well as making syrup. Thus, Liquid pectin costs more than powdered varieties because the ingredients are mixed together in one container rather than being placed in separate containers before use.

When you buy liquid pectin, you’ll get either an 8 oz or 16 oz bottle depending on whether you want to make jelly or jam (or both). The amount given per serving is usually 2 teaspoons but this varies with brand and recipe; some brands may give less than 2 teaspoons per serving while others might give more than 1 tablespoon! Therefore, please check the brand before buying.

powder pectin
Liquid Pectin

Powder Pectin

Powder pectin is a mixture of pectin and other ingredients, such as sugar, lemon juice or citric acid. It can be used to make jams and jellies. The most common use for powdered pectin is in baking because it gives the finished product a good consistency while adding body to baked goods like breads and muffins. I believe that powdered pectin also works well with fruit fillings like pie filling or cream cheese frosting.

Check the Comparison Sheet : Link

ParameterLiquid PectinPowder Pectin
AppearanceClear to slightly cloudy liquidFine powder, white or light yellow in color
ConcentrationTypically less concentrated than powder pectin, can vary depending on the brandHighly concentrated, typically requires less to be used in recipes
ConsistencyThin liquidFine powder, free-flowing
SolubilitySoluble in cold waterInsoluble in cold water, must be dissolved in hot water before use
Shelf LifeShorter shelf life than powder pectinLonger shelf life than liquid pectin
Ease of useReady to use, no additional preparation neededRequires hot water for dissolution before use
StorageShould be stored in a cool, dry place and used before the expiration dateCan be stored in a cool, dry place for an extended period of time
PriceCan vary, but generally more expensive than powder pectinGenerally less expensive than liquid pectin

Concentration Of Liquid Vs Powder Pectin

The concentration of liquid pectin is much higher than powdered pectin. This means that you can use a much smaller amount of liquid pectin than powdered pectin, which in turn results in much higher yields and lower costs. 

It’s also important to note that the concentration of concentrated liquid pectins varies depending on what kind of fruit you’re making jam with (raspberries vs apples). If you know how much concentrate is needed for your recipe (for example: 2 cups), then there will be no guesswork involved! Thus, do look out while using it.

Benefits of Liquid Pectin and Power Pectin

As mentioned above, Pectin comes in two forms, liquid and powdered. Each form has benefits for different uses. Liquid pectin is a thickening agent. Powdered pectin is also a thickening agent, but it is much more concentrated than the liquid version (liquid pectins are typically around 50% solids).

Liquid Pectins: Liquid Pectins are available in both Kraft and Sure-Jell varieties. Both types can be used interchangeably with one another; however, they do have significant differences when it comes to application methods and shelf life stability.


Powdered pectin is made from apples, while liquid pectin is made from citrus fruits. Both are natural products and both can be used as a thickening agent in preserves, jams and jellies. The main difference between the two is that powdered pectin usually comes in a powder form while liquid pectin comes in an oil-based solution or gelatine block (similar to what’s used to make gelatin desserts).


Pectin has been shown to help prevent clumping during canning processes as well as prolong shelf life by helping keep moisture from evaporating from the product.

Powdered pectin works similarly to powdered dry milk–it’s usually mixed with water or fruit juice before you add it to your recipe (sometimes called “baking powder”). Powdering helps make sure that your fruit or vegetable mixture isn’t too wet when you add it into batters or mixtures so they will set properly without being runny or mushy.

Stability and Preservation

Stability and preservation are key factors to consider when choosing a pectin. The stability of pectin will determine how it works with other ingredients in your recipe.

Powdered pectins can be more readily dissolved than liquid pectins, but powder tends to cause gums or other undesirable products in some recipes if too much is used. That’s why most home cooks use liquid types instead; they’re more forgiving (you don’t need as much) and generally easier for you to work with! So make sure, you choose the right type of pectin

How Does Pectin Work?

Pectin is a polysaccharide that occurs naturally in plants. It’s what causes jams and jellies to set, so it’s used by cooks to thicken sauces and salad dressings.

Pectin is found in the cell walls of fruits and vegetables, as well as some berries like cranberries (which are high in sugar). Pectin forms when an enzyme called pectate lyase breaks down the sugar molecule glucose into two molecules: galactose and glucose-1-phosphate (or “G1P”). These two molecules combine together to form a large chain polymer called gelsolin or pectin.

How to Substitute Liquid Pectin For Powdered Pectin (and Vice Versa)

You may be wondering how to substitute liquid pectin for powdered pectin, and vice versa. This is a very common question because people often find it difficult to understand the differences between the two products.

  • Liquid Pectin:

Liquid pectin is more concentrated than powdered pectin, so you’ll need less of it to get the same results. The benefit of this is that you don’t have to dilute your recipes as much–you can use one tablespoon instead of half a teaspoon if you’re making jam from scratch! If you’re using a recipe from someone else’s cookbook or magazine (or even online), chances are they’ve already adjusted their measurements according to what type of fruit has been used; therefore, there’s no need for further adjustments on your part unless specifically instructed otherwise by whoever wrote up that particular recipe book/magazine article…which isn’t likely unless you ask them directly beforehand 🙂

The downside? Liquid pectins tend not hold up well under heat (like boiling water), which means they won’t last long before turning into mushy messes in jars with exposed surfaces like lids or coverings like foil/plastic wrap…and nobody wants their jams tasting mushy after all! Also worth noting here: Some brands claim their product contains no artificial colours/flavours but many contain some sorta dye somewhere along those lines so make sure yours doesn’t come with any added ingredients before purchasing whatever type might work best for whatever project(s)

Final Thoughts

Liquid pectin is thicker and more concentrated than powder pectin. It has a greater power to thicken your jams and jellies, making them less runny; however, it can also be difficult to work with because it’s so thick and viscous. When it comes time to add sugar or other ingredients into your recipes, you may find yourself needing an extra tablespoon of liquid pectin per cup or half-cup of liquid sweetener (like honey) added into each batch! This is all the information you need to know about powdered and liquid pectin. Make sure, you use the right type.




Susan Francis - Medical Editor
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Dr. Susan Francis is a passionate medical professional with over 4.5 years of experience in the field. She received her medical degree from the University of Michigan and completed her residency at the Mayo Clinic.

In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Francis has a strong interest in medical writing and editing. She has edited numerous articles for medical journals and is a regular contributor to several healthcare publications.

Dr. Francis is committed to promoting accurate and accessible medical information to the public. In her free time, she enjoys staying up to date on the latest medical research and volunteering at local healthcare clinics.

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7 thoughts on “Liquid Pectin Vs. Powder Pectin, What Should You use & When?”

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